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A close up image of a surface grinder polishing a metal piece on a rotary grinding table A close up image of a surface grinder polishing a metal piece on a rotary grinding table
Roto Tech logo emblem Roto-Grind
Rotary Table Surface Grinding
Roto-Grind is the industry leader for precision rotary grinding applications. Roto-Grind Rotary Grinding Tables are available in three modeels in a wide range of sizes and configurations to provide superior results for your specific applications.

| Rotary Grinding Table Applications | Surface Grinding Machines + Rotary Tables


Performing ultra high precision rotary grinding requires a grinding machine that is ultra rigid and stable

A motorized rotary grinding table

For precision rotary grinding hard and rigid materials, the Roto-Grind 1012HD from Roto Tech has remained the industry leader for grinding challenging substrates like silicon, ceramic components and quartz. Performing ultra high precision rotary grinding requires a grinding machine that is ultra rigid and stable. The Roto-Grind 1012HD is engineered specifically for the most challenging and exacting specifications on the most difficult materials, including advanced ceramics.

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Maintaining surface tolerances can be critical in manufacturing. While a rougher, just milled piece may be desirable in some applications for adhesion in down-line finishing operations like painting, plating or powder coating, other components require tighter tolerances for greater consistency and reliability in the production process.

After milling or cutting, every component surface has microscopic peaks and valleys which can be measured with a surface profile measurement tool called a profilometer. The profilometer analyzes a surface and outputs an average surface height, or Ra value, for a quick determination of surface quality.

Illustration showing a zoomed in profile of a newly milled surface on a surface grinder

Some industries require a more true finish. In these instances, the tool of choice is the CNC Surface Grinding Machine. A Surface Grinding Machine operates by positioning a grinding wheel above a true base bed (also available in vertical mount configurations). The grinding wheel or the bed moves so the grinding wheel works the entire surface, or as much as possible. The piece is then turned over and the process starts again. Depending on the level of trueness required, this process may need repeated several times.

A critical aspect of the surface grinder is the grinding wheel, itself. Grinding wheels have evolved along with the exotic concoctions of metallergy and other component materials to offer a wide variety of wheels for virtually every application, material and desired result.

When attached to a surface grinding machine, the grinding wheel removes minute particles with each pass across the surface. While older models were manual, today's machines are computerized and capable of automated micro-adjustments to the fraction of a millimeter. Manufacturers of today's surface grinding machines include Haas, Kent, Chevalier, Kent USA, Penn Tool, and Grizzly.

Illustration showing how the bed of a surface grinder can move in relation to the grinding wheel

Bed movement for a surface grinding machine.

Illustration showing how the grinding wheel of a surface grinder can move in relation to the surface grinder bed

Grinding wheel movement for a surface grinding machine.

A commercial surface grinding machine with a rotary table attached to the bed

A Roto Tech Roto-Grind Rotary Grinding Table on a Manual Surface Grinding Machine.

Illustration showing how the bed of a surface grinder moves in relation to the grinding wheel

Bed movement for a surface grinding machine.

Illustration showing how the grinding wheel of a surface grinder can move in relation to the surface grinder bed

Grinding wheel movement for a surface grinding machine.

A commercial surface grinding machine with a rotary table attached to the bed

A Roto Tech Roto-Grind Rotary Grinding Table on a Manual Surface Grinding Machine.

These machines are capable of achieving a flatness well within specifications for many production processes. Modern, high-tech manufacturing, though, like electronics and aeronautics, require near perfection on increasingly challenging materials, like silicon, quartz and ceramics. Surface grinding is just one stage in some of these processes with each as critically spec'd as the preceding.

For these ultra-precise targets, these high-tech producers add a rotary grinding table to the surface grinder to achieve superior results in this stage. And the supplier of choice is Roto Tech, manufacturer of Roto-Grind Rotary Grinding Tables. Roto-Grind Precision Rotary Grinding Tables provide the rigidity and reliability modern manufacturers need for today's processing.